You have reached Lorenzo Martinico’s personal webpage.
About me
I am currently a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the University of Edinburgh, working with Michele Ciampi, Raffaella Calabrese and Tzamaret Rubin on cryptographic protocols for Open Finance. I am also working with Input Output Global to research efficient hardware-based models for Zero Knowledge proofs. You can find my academic publications here.
Previously, I obtained my PhD from the ZK Labs at Edinburgh, working under the supervision of Markulf Kohlweiss, Myrto Arapinis and Pramod Bhatotia on formalising the use of Trusted Execution Environments in cryptographic protocols; the title of my thesis is Trusted Execution for Private and Secure Computation: a Composable Approach. I also served as a trustee at Edinburgh University Students’ Association, and a member of Edinburgh Student Housing Co-Op. As part of my role at ESHC, I helped set up the local Edinburgh Co-operative meetup and contributed to the Short-lived working group on student homelessness for the Parliamentary Cross-party group at Holyrood, which resulted in this report.
You can find out how to get in touch with me here.