These are my preferred methods of communication. Any other way you might have talked to me in the past can be considered as deprecated, and you are likely not to get a response.
My personal email address can be obtained by replacing with the appropriate details.
For academic-related communications, you can contact me at
Previously, you might have received emails from me signed with PGP (with public key fingerprint 2BC3 4117 898B 00BC AA38 7DA2 4E72 50EB 132C D5B6). My key has expired and I do not currently intend to renew it. PGP is complicated to set up and use securely, and does not guarantee security properties like forward secrecy. If your message is too confidential to be seen by mine or your email provider, please get in touch using a different method as below.
Instant Messaging
I can be contacted on the Matrix network as If you would like to send me a message and don’t know what Matrix is or how it works, I recommend clicking on the link and making an account through the Element client, using the default server.
One of the nice things about Matrix is that it can be bridged to other chat protocols, so if you are unable or unwilling to use it you might still be able to contact me there through another website (this can be coordinated through email, but it is still not trivial for most services).
For anyone who has my mobile number, I also use Signal. I will typically only give this out to people I know personally. If that’s you, and you don’t have my number, please send me an email.