This page contains links to my academic publications. More to come!
- AGATE: Augmented Global Attested Trusted Execution for the Universal Composability framework - Lorenzo Martinico and Markulf Kohlweiss Accepted at CSF 2025 Full version
- Glass-Vault: A Generic Transparent Privacy-preserving Exposure Notification Analytics Platform - Lorenzo Martinico and Aydin Abadi and Thomas Zacharias and Thomas Win (Unpublished) ePrint (PDF) Cite
- Steel: Composable Hardware-based Stateful and Randomised Functional Encryption - Pramod Bhatotia and Markulf Kohlweiss and Lorenzo Martinico and Yiannis Tselekounis PKC 2021 Full version (PDF) Slides Cite (conference version) Cite (full version)
- EU Chat Control and Client‑Side Scanning - Foundations and Applications of Zero‑Knowledge Proofs Slides (from page 133)
- Towards a modular design of formal abstractions for trusted execution environments - PAVeTrust 2023 Workshop
The final version of my PhD thesis Trusted Execution for Private and Secure Computation: a Composable Approach can be found here.